SNAŽNA PORUKA JELENE ĐOKOVIĆ: Život je ništa drugo nego borba!

Dan posle šokantne eliminacije Novaka Đokovića sa Australijan opena, Jelena je na društvenim mrežama još jednom podsetila da svakoga dana, ma koliko bilo teško, treba da budemo zahvalni.

"Ja obično volim da svoj dan započnem i zavšim molitvom i smatra da za mnogo stvari treba da budem zahvalna životu. Spisak tih stvari je veoma dug i te stvari se u životu stalno ponavljaju, ali jedna stvar koju sam ovih dana ponavljala dok sam boravila u Milanu bila je 'Zahvalna sam jer imam topao krevet i toplu sobu, hranu i odeću'. Mnogo beskućnika na ulicama Milana tokom ovih hladnih dana podsetilo me je da je život ništa dugo nego borba (koja se ne završava kada stigne leto!). Vrlo retko ljudi ne obrate pažnju na njih jer ih se plaše. Naučeni smo da od osoba koji su gladni i napušteni očekujemo najgore. Ali to su stereotipi po mom mišljenju. Moje iskustvo je sasvim suprotno. Imala sam nekoliko susreta sa beskućnicima i toliko sam naučila od njih. Kako se život menja od danas do sutra, koliko je teško zadobiti poverenje društva. Ja sam niko dok stojim na ulici sa njima, a kada su tretirani sa poštovanjem oni uzvraćaju na isti način. Zaista sam zahvalna što postoje dobrotvorne organizacije koje ulažu napore da im pomognu, a postoji i toliko dobrovoljaca koji su od velike koristi. Čemu ste vi zahvalni danas?", stoji u poruci Jelene Đoković.

Usually I like to start and end my day with prayers and I think a lot of what I am grateful for in my life. The list is very long and at times repetitive, but one thing I was repeating these few days while in Milano was "I am grateful to be in a warm bed, in a warm room, with food and clothes". It seems that there are more homeless people on the streets of Milano than I remember. During these cold days their life is nothing but struggle (but mind you, it doesn't end when summer comes either!). Rarely do people look at them because they are afraid of them, I guess. We are taught to expect the worst from people who are hungry or abandoned. Those are stereotypes, in my opinion. My experience is quite the opposite. I had several encounters with homeless people, and I learned so much from them. How life changed for them from one day to another, how difficult it is to prove society that they are worth the trust and investment. I am noone special when I stand on the street with them, and yet when they are treated with respect, they respond in the same way or with even more gratitude than you could ever imagine. I am really grateful that there are charities that put all their efforts into helping them, and also, there are so many volunteers that sign up to be of use in those efforts. What are you grateful for today?

Фотографија корисника Jelena Djokovic (@jelenadjokovicndf) дана


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