POGODILA U CENTAR I U SRCE: Jelena Đoković uputila poruku od koje su se svi naježili (FOTO)

Supruga Novaka Đokovića osvrnula se na trenutnu izbegličku krizu, i na svom Instagram profilu objavila dugačku poruku u kojoj je podelila svoja osećanja povodom dešavanja u svetu.

"Globalno, jedna među 122 osobe je trenutno izbeglica, raseljeni su ili traže azil. navedeni smo da mislimo da je bombardovanje Sirije, ili bilo koje druge zemlje, jedino i ispravno rešenje. Kao neko ko je osetio bombardovanje na svojoj koži, mogu da vam kažem: Bomba ne pada uvek tamo gde kažu da će pasti. Ona ne ubija samo "loše ljude". O, ne. Bolnice, škole, vrtići, domovi, kuće, zgrade... Oni su "samo" kolateralna šteta. Naravno da će mnogi napustiti svoje domove. Nemojte ih kriviti što samo traže sigurnost. Nemojte okretati glavu jer je tako lakše. Moramo uvek izabrati da promovišemo prave vrednosti. Nemojte osuđivati, zavideti, mrzeti. Delite, pružajte ljubav. Počnite od sebe: budite osoba koja je ovom svetu potrebna. Želim vam svima mir i ljubav.", samo je deo Jelenine emotivne poruke koju je odmah na svom profilu podelio i Novak.

Did you know that the number of people forcibly uprooted worldwide reached almost 60 million?! A historic high. Globally, 1 in every 122 people is now a refugee, is displaced or seeking asylum. I do hope that many understand and are aware that media and political manipulation is happening everywhere. We are led to believe that bombing Syria, or any other country is the only solution and the right one. As somebody who has experienced first hand what bombing is, I can tell you: The bomb doesn't land always where they said it will. It doesn't only kill a "bad guy". Oh no. Hospitals, schools, kindergartens, civil houses and buildings...are "just" a collateral damage. Of course many will flee from their homes. Don't blame them for looking for safety. Did you know that on October 3rd US special forces bombed Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital in Afghanistan? It killed more than 25ppl (3 children among them).I read the other day in Times that they said it was a "human error" and that the pilots were suspended. We humans do make a lot of errors lately. Is it 15, 30, 130, 300 lives taken...?When a life becomes a number, we all have to start questioning ourselves in which direction we are heading. Choosing a bomb, or any weapon to right the wrong is ridiculous! Bombs apart from making immediate damage and taking lives, are also making long lasting damage to the Earth. Radiation, pollution... You cannot grow crops, feed animals. People who didn't lose life directly in the bombings are getting cancer or other terminal diseases generations and generations after and dying. So when they say "30ppl killed " - it compounds through time to hundreds... It doesn't just stop once the bomb explodes. Don't turn your heads away because it is easier. We need to always chose to promote the right values. Don't judge, envy, hate. Random acts of kindness are the key. Share, give, love. Start from yourself: be the person this world needs you to be. Love and peace to you all.

A photo posted by Jelena Djokovic (@jelenadjokovicndf) on

#Repost @jelenadjokovicndf Did you know that the number of people forcibly uprooted worldwide reached almost 60 million?! A historic high. Globally, 1 in every 122 people is now a refugee, is displaced or seeking asylum. I do hope that many understand and are aware that media and political manipulation is happening everywhere. We are led to believe that bombing Syria, or any other country is the only solution and the right one. As somebody who has experienced first hand what bombing is, I can tell you: The bomb doesn't land always where they said it will. It doesn't only kill a "bad guy". Oh no. Hospitals, schools, kindergartens, civil houses and buildings...are "just" a collateral damage. Of course many will flee from their homes. Don't blame them for looking for safety. Did you know that on October 3rd US special forces bombed Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital in Afghanistan? It killed more than 25ppl (3 children among them).I read the other day in Times that they said it was a "human error" and that the pilots were suspended. We humans do make a lot of errors lately. Is it 15, 30, 130, 300 lives taken...?When a life becomes a number, we all have to start questioning ourselves in which direction we are heading. Choosing a bomb, or any weapon to right the wrong is ridiculous! Bombs apart from making immediate damage and taking lives, are also making long lasting damage to the Earth. Radiation, pollution... You cannot grow crops, feed animals. People who didn't lose life directly in the bombings are getting cancer or other terminal diseases generations and generations after and dying. So when they say "30ppl killed " - it compounds through time to hundreds... It doesn't just stop once the bomb explodes. Don't turn your heads away because it is easier. We need to always chose to promote the right values. Don't judge, envy, hate. Random acts of kindness are the key. Share, give, love. Start from yourself: be the person this world needs you to be. Love and peace to you all.

A photo posted by Novak Djokovic (@djokernole) on

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