POKAZALA JE STRIJE I NEJEDNAKE GRUDI: Mama koja je naterala žene da stave prst na čelo (FOTO)

Mama Hada Enklif uzburkala je društvene mreže najpre postavljajući fotografije na kojima doji svog sina u javnosti, oko čega se više puta vodila polemika na internetu.

Just me and my baby having a drink (Gotta do what you gotta do, wedding or not) #normalizebreastfeeding

A photo posted by Haddas Ancliffe (@dahs) on

Ovoga puta, ona je otvoreno pokazala svoje telo nakon trudnoće, iskreno i bez kompleksa pokazujući strije i druge znakove drugog stanja koje ostaju na ženinom telu. Ona svojim postovima inspiriše i bodri mnoge žene, koje posle ovog divnog životnog perioda postaju nesigurne u svoje telo.

"Ne prestajete da izgledate dobro u bikiniju kada dobijete decu, samo izgledate dobro na drugačiji način. Kada vaše telo više ne izgleda kao telo Instagram bikini modela, imate telo mame i budite ponosne na njega!", napisala je Hada ispod jedne od svojih fotografija.

I have bad days you know... Days where I look at myself and think, I'll never look like girls on Instagram in their calvins with amazing figures and smooth flat tummies. But I don't have days anymore where I want to tear off my skin or cry at my reflection. Gone are the days where I'd refuse to go out if I thought I looked bad or get mad at anyone who would compliment me. NOW most of my days I look at myself and I'm happy. My body isn't where I'd like it to be health/strength wise, my skin sees pimples daily and my hair is mostly in a frizzy bun but I'm beautiful none the less! I'm one of God's creations which in itself means I am beautiful, glorious even. I want to be real with everyone that's why I'm saying this, so you know I don't just have 100% confidence and no flaws. I am flawed, I'm not always confident but I am living and breathing and full of love so I have no reason to be down on myself. Same goes for all of you, whether you're a mommy or not, if you're alive you are nothing short of beautiful. #mycalvins P.S these bras are so good for breastfeeding

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