Ejmi Vajnhaus i Nas: Poslušaj novu pesmu "Cherry Wine"
Voleli su se Ejmi i Nas. To se vidi i u pesmi "Cherry Wine" koja daje pravi tempo jedne duše koja je nastajala kada bi se njih dvoje našli u studiju.
Pesma je upravo stigla na Internet, a naćiće se na Nasovom albumu "Life Is Good" koji zvanično izlazi 17. jula. Produkciju potpisuje Salam Remi čija saradnja sa Ejmi Vajnhaus je već čuvena.
Poslušaj jednu pesmu koja zaslužuje da bude zauvek... Zapamti ovo...
Where is he
The man who’s just like me
Heard he is hiding somewhere I can’t see...
And I’m alone
And I realize that when I get home
I wanna go through my red and my cherry...
I want some who like the champagne I like
My a alike, someone to talk me off the bridge
Any day or night...
The man who’s just like me
Heard he is hiding somewhere I can’t see...
And I’m alone
And I realize that when I get home
I wanna go through my red and my cherry...
I want some who like the champagne I like
My a alike, someone to talk me off the bridge
Any day or night...