Samo za fanove "Zvezdanih ratova": Fotografije sa seta koje do sada niste videli!
Foto: Peter Mayhew @TheWookieeRoars
Iako su se neki članovi ekipe, među kojima Keri Fišer i Mark Hamil, okupili letos na festivalu u Nemačkoj, izgleda da se više nikad neće zabavljati kao nekada.
Harison Ford, koji je igrao Hana Sola, voleo je da se izmotava na setu, što pokazuje i ova fotografija.
We all go a little crazy, sometimes.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Obi-Van Kenobi (Alek Ginis) snimljen je dok je čekao sledeću scenu u kojoj se pojavljuje.
"You are not Zazzle MoonBreaker" "I am not Zazzle MoonBreaker" "You like being behind the camera" "I like..."
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Reditelj Irvin Keršner je navodno bio strog prema glumcima koji su zaboravljali tekst.
Irvin had a fierce way of correcting you when you missed a mark. I look on in terror in the background...
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Glumci su provodili mnogo vremena zajedno, pa su postali bliski prijatelji. Na ovoj fotografiji slave rođendan Aleksa Ginisa u Tunisu.
Celebrating Sir Alec Guinness's birthday in Southern Tunisia. April 2nd, 1977 I believe.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
"Ostatak ovog seta se čuva u arhivi", kaže Piter Mejhju povodom fotografije koja prikazuje Keri Fišer, poznatu po ulozi princeze Leje.
A backlot, a bottle of wine, and the ever alluring @CarrieFFisher. The rest of this set stay in the archive 🙂
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
Keri je imala dvojnicu za snimanje komplikovanih scena. Ovde se njih dve sunčaju i ćaskaju.
Ok, you lot really like pics of a certain princess! Here's one of Carrie and her stunt double. You're Welcome.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
Na ovoj fotografiji ekipa je na okupu. Mejhju je nostalgičan povodom dobrih starih dana.
#nostalgic so Im going to post some pics tonight. Like this 1 of Harrison, Anthony, Carrie & I sharing a laugh...
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
Princeza Leja sa 11-godišnjim Vorvikom Dejvisom koji je igrao Evoka.
The most luscious princess in the galaxy and an 11 year old Warwick Davis. I want to be an 11 year old Warwick Davis.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Ovako je izgledao originalni Si-Tri-Pi-Ou kostim.
The original C3P0 costume, before the rewrites.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Geri Kurc, Kari Fišer, Mark Hamil i Harison Ford sa rediteljem Irvinom Keršnerom.
Gary Kurtz, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Irvin Kershner
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Princeza Leja sa svojom interesantnom frizurom istakla se kao svojevrsni seks simbol.
Boing, Boing, Boing.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Legendarni profesionalni šminker Stjuart Friborn, koji je stvorio Jodu, ovde je zamenio uloge sa Keršnerom.
I love this picture. Stuart Freeborn and Yoda having their makeup done by Irvin.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Snimanje naravno nije moglo da prođe bez Marka Hamila koji je igrao Luka Skajvokera.
Its been 30 minutes, here is your gratuitous Chain-mail bikini shot. And look at @HamillHimself shirt!
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Antoni Denijels se nije osećao baš prijatno u kostimu robota, posebno na suncu.
Anthony getting relief from the blazing sun.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Da li se sećate ove scene?
I have the biggest smile of all on the inside. Really.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 13, 2014
I ništa bez R2D2-a.
Kenny about to get into the blender.
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 13, 2014